&hint1=I am a marble carving from 447-438 BCE& &hint2=I am located in Athens, Greece& &hint3=I show the cavalcade in preparation& &hint4=I am located on the Parthenon& &choices=West frieze on the Parthenon;Statue of Athena Parthenos;Metope showing Herakles with the Cretan Bull;Souvenir flask showing scene of the three Marys at Christ's tomb;Inner frieze on the Parthenon, detail of peplos offering;Northwest corner of the Parthenon& &answer=Northwest corner of the Parthenon& &search=Parthenon& &title=Northwest corner of the Parthenon, showing frieze of cavalcade in preparation& &artist=& &medium=Marble& &date=447-438 BCE& &location=Athens, Greece& &dimensions=height 3'6"&